
From Customer365 for SageCRM

Currently the main area to modify the text of the portal is in the web.config file.

The web.config file contains descriptions for the settings.

Optional filter for case list

   <add key="CaseFilter" value="and case_deleted is null"/>

Impersonation now available to download MAS invoice files. Settings required are

   <add key="SysDomain" value="xxxx "/>
   <add key="SysUser" value="yyy"/>
   <add key="SysUserPassword" value="xxxx"/>

File upload options

   Case file upload - set to Y to allow/Default - N
   <add key="AllowCaseFileUpload" value="Y"/>
   Company file upload - set to Y to allow/Default - N
   <add key="AllowAccountFileUpload" value="Y"/>
   options are
   in bytes(1048576 = 1MB) , 5MB default,  0 for no limit 
   <add key="MaxFileSize" value="5242880"/>
   values are comma seperated, leave empty for all types 
   <add key="AllowedUploadTypes" value="doc,zip,docx,rtf,txt"/>