
From Customer365 for SageCRM

In this Solutions page user can look for possible solutions for their issues

To turn of this page, change settings for "HideSolutionPage" to "Y" in web.config page

<add key="HideSolutionPage" value="N"/>

Solutions can be searched by selecting area of issue or by keyword (search is based on reference id or description)

Search criteria can be changed in web.config page

<add key="tbSolutionsSearchBox" value=" and (soln_referenceid like '%25#searchvalue#%25' or soln_description like '%25#searchvalue#%25')"/>

Press "Clear" button to clear search box and return to default filter

To disable area filter, change settings for "HideSolutionAreaFilter" to "Y" in web.config page

<add key="HideSolutionAreaFilter" value="N"/>

To disable search by keyword option, change settings for "HideSolutionSearch" to "Y" in web.config page

<add key="HideSolutionSearch" value="N"/>

Solutions are orderd based on Date Created. It can be changed in web.config page

<add key="SolutionsDefaultOrderBy" value="soln_createddate"/>

To open solution details press on any line item

Control settings for Solutions and Solutions Details pages:

<add key="lblSolutionsDetails" value="Solution Details"/>
<add key="lblSolutions" value="Solutions"/>
<add key="PortalSolutionsList" value="SSSolutionsGrid"/> //Solutions Screen
<add key="ssSolutionsEntry" value="ssSolutionsEntry"/> //Solutions Details Screen