
From Customer365 for SageCRM

Installation Guide for Customer365:

Download the file Customer365ForSageCRM_RC1.exe. Run the installer on the server.

After installation is complete, proceed to Sage CRM, and go to Component Manager. Upload the component which is located in: ...CRM/CRM_Name/CustomPages/WebsiteName/Setup/

Install the component, and select which Menus should appear in Portal. Click "Preview Install" to check for any errors and if no errors occur, click "Install Component". After that open Web.config located at: ...CRM/CRM_Name/CustomPages/WebsiteName/Web.Config , and edit the following keys to set up the WebSite:

   <add key="PortalPath" value="http://owneror-d8h3t5q/CRM/custompages/SageCRM/component/"/>
   <add key="CRMPath" value="http://owneror-d8h3t5q/CRM/"/>

The installer should add the website to IIS automatically.