From Customer365 for SageCRM
Currently the main area to modify the text of the portal is in the web.config file.
The web.config file contains descriptions for the settings.
<add key="CRMTogetherCustomer365License" value="pastehere"/>
Optional filter for case list
<add key="CaseFilter" value="and case_deleted is null"/>
Impersonation now available to download MAS invoice files. Settings required are
<add key="SysDomain" value="xxxx "/> <add key="SysUser" value="yyy"/> <add key="SysUserPassword" value="xxxx"/>
File upload options
Case file upload - set to Y to allow/Default - N <add key="AllowCaseFileUpload" value="Y"/>
Company file upload - set to Y to allow/Default - N <add key="AllowAccountFileUpload" value="Y"/>
options are in bytes(1048576 = 1MB) , 5MB default, 0 for no limit <add key="MaxFileSize" value="5242880"/>
values are comma seperated, leave empty for all types <add key="AllowedUploadTypes" value="doc,zip,docx,rtf,txt"/>
Registration settings
Registration settings RegisterDisablePage - Set to Y to stop the page being accessed (useful if you have the menu turned off you can also stop anyone accessing the functionality using the direct url) RegisterAllowCreatePerson - set to Y to enable -Allows people not in the database to register once their email domain matches a company in the system RegisterEmailAdminOnRegister - set to Y for an email to be sent to the AdminEmailAddress when a user registers <add key="RegisterDisablePage" value="N" /> <add key="RegisterAllowCreatePerson" value="Y" /> <add key="RegisterEmailAdminOnRegister" value="Y" />