From Customer365 for SageCRM
The company menu appears on the LHS of the page
This links to the "accountdetails.aspx" page.
1. Within the person entity create a screen called "PortalPersonDetails" (Associated View=vSummaryPerson) and add fields as required.
2. Within the person entity create a screen called "PortalPersonList" (Associated view=vPersonPE) and add the fields as required.
3. Within the Communication entity create a screen called "PortalCommunicationList" (Associated view=vPersonPE) and add the fields as required.
a. Change Password - Allows users to change their portal password b. Details Change - Allow users to send a message requesting that their details be changed (address/email for example)
Screen settings
<add key="PortalPersonDetails" value="PortalPersonDetails"/> <add key="lblPeopleList" value="People List" /> <add key="PersonListQuery" value="select * from vpersonpe where pers_companyid=#comp_companyid# order by pers_lastname"/> <add key="commQuery" value="select top 5 * from vcommunication where cmli_comm_personid=#pers_personid# and comm_action in ('EmailIn','EmailOut') order by comm_datetime desc"/> <add key="lblCommunications" value="Most Recent Communications"/> <add key="PortalCommunicationList" value="PortalCommunicationList"/> <add key="lblChangePassword" value="Change Password"/> <add key="lblChangeRequest" value="Details Change"/> <add key="lblEnterDetails" value="Enter Details"/> <add key="CustomerSupportEmail" value=""/>