Company: Difference between revisions

From Customer365 for SageCRM
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Line 1: Line 1:
The company menu appears on the LHS of the page
The company menu appears on the LHS of the page

This links to the "accountdetails.aspx" page.
This links to the "accountdetails.aspx" page.

Revision as of 17:05, 26 November 2012

The company menu appears on the LHS of the page

This links to the "accountdetails.aspx" page.

1. Within the person entity create a screen called "PortalPersonDetails" (Associated View=vSummaryPerson) and add fields as required.

2. Within the person entity create a screen called "PortalPersonList" (Associated view=vPersonPE) and add the fields as required.

3. Within the Communication entity create a screen called "PortalCommunicationList" (Associated view=vPersonPE) and add the fields as required.


a. Change Password - Allows users to change their portal password

b. Details Change - Allow users to send a message requesting that their details be changed (address/email for example)

Screen settings

   <add key="PortalPersonDetails" value="PortalPersonDetails"/>
   <add key="lblPeopleList" value="People List" />
   <add key="PersonListQuery" value="select * from vpersonpe where pers_companyid=#comp_companyid# order by pers_lastname"/>
   <add key="commQuery" value="select top 5 * from vcommunication where cmli_comm_personid=#pers_personid# and comm_action in ('EmailIn','EmailOut') order by comm_datetime desc"/>
   <add key="lblCommunications" value="Most Recent Communications"/>
   <add key="PortalCommunicationList" value="PortalCommunicationList"/>
   <add key="lblChangePassword" value="Change Password"/>
   <add key="lblChangeRequest" value="Details Change"/>
   <add key="lblEnterDetails" value="Enter Details"/>
   <add key="CustomerSupportEmail" value=""/>